Improve financial performance

Granular, multidimensional insights on cloud spending, forecasts, and costs

Anaplan on AWS Marketplace

Unlock new capabilities within your organization — start your Anaplan journey with AWS Marketplace to accelerate adoption and initiation of your Anaplan solutions.

Selecting ISV software like Anaplan increases your purchasing power for higher AWS discounts. Leverage a portion of the Anaplan total contract value (TCV) to draw down your EDP commitment.


  • Accurate financial forecasting – It’s core to effective business planning. Create accurate forecasts driven by internal and external drivers with Anaplan PlanIQ™.
    You can leverage ML forecasting via Amazon Forecast integration.
  • Simplified management of all third-party invoices – Streamline Purchasing lets you manage and pay all your third-party invoices within your AWS management console. Stop dealing with the hassle of disparate invoices and payment methods and save time for your procurement and billing teams.
  • 20/20 CIO Vision – Gain greater visibility, control, and governance of line-of-business spending for the CIO team. Eliminate shadow IT purchases.
  • EDP Drawdown – You can apply a portion of the TCV of your AWS EDP commitment by choosing Anaplan on AWS Marketplace.

More about AWS Marketplace

AWS Marketplace helps qualified partners market and sell their software to AWS customers. It’s an online software store that helps customers find, buy, and immediately start using software and services that run on AWS. Visit Anaplan on AWS Marketplace to learn more.

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