Connected Planning for Covid-19 vaccine distribution

Watch the On-demand webinar

Discover how to to scale up fast in order to stay ahead of change

Webinar in collaboration with Supply Chain Media and Tata Consultancy Services

The planning task associated with quickly vaccinating billions of people around the world against Covid-19 is staggering. Even when reduced to one county or state, the logistical challenge is massive. Several pharmaceutical companies have developed vaccines for Covid-19 and have to ship these under different specific conditions worldwide as quickly as possible, after extensive trials, the formal approval by the World Health Organization (WHO) and massive production with help from other pharma companies. The final distribution to the different and often changing groups of healthcare workers and citizens is an extremely complex puzzle with a lot of unexpected bottlenecks.

While there are applications and portals being implemented to help individuals make an appointment, the vastly more complex back-end planning effort is still reliant on manual inputs, offline spreadsheets and time-consuming data wrangling. To plan effectively, governments, hospitals, pharmacies, and others need a powerful platform for managing the evolving needs and modeling paths to success. Anaplan and Tata Consultancy Services have designed such a solution.

Watch this on demand webinar and learn how you quickly manage many mission-critical planning processes, including:

1. Logistics and equitable distribution planning based on evolving recipient prioritization guidelines
2. Transparency and accountability in allocating supply to specific geographies
3. Resource/inventory depletion rate and cost modeling