Optimize project portfolio management

Discover the Project Control Tower to optimize project portfolios, predict costs, and streamline resource utilization

Are you facing the uphill battle of managing and monitoring large multi-year projects amidst ever-evolving technological demands?

BearingPoint has introduced the Project Control Tower to help. We invite you to watch our webinar to learn how this Anaplan-based solution is tailored to address these challenges, empowering you to monitor and enhance project performance.


Chrystel Dierking

Partner, BearingPoint

Chrystel leads the performance management area within the Finance & Risk practice to support the sustainable development of her clients. Chrystel is developing FP&A and EPM expertise within the firm, in France and at the centre of excellence in Romania.

Chrystel Dierking

Louis Guezenec

EPM Manager, BearingPoint

As a manager in the Finance & Risk practice, Louis supports the development of FP&A and EPM-expertise in the Performance Management community. He is involved in the FP&A core model design phase of projects and leads the solution implementations.

Advisory Webinar Series_Webinar BearingPoint

Mireille Thievet Mackay

Senior Manager, BearingPoint

Within the Finance & Risk practice, Mireille oversees the development of the FP&A offering and strives to enhance the synergy among the diverse planning processes of customers, including sales, operations, and workforce, with the aim of improving integration.

Mireille Thievet Mackay

Watch the webinar: Optimize project portfolio management